Dec 28, 2016 Like the title says. Seeing as this game has quite a few years on it's neck, how do I bypass the need for a joystick (which I don't own).? UPDATE: I realised that the game has to be played with a controller (as in an Xbox 360-controller). Luckily, I had one so I could start the game. Execute the XWINGALLIANCE202CK.EXE Patch. Execute/Double-Click the REGSETUP.EXE registry file to update the windows registry. Re-Apply the official X-Wing Alliance 2.02 Update. Execute XWINGALLIANCE.EXE to play the Game! NOTE: The Fixed EXE only defeats the CD Protection, the CDs are still required to play the game! I borrowed x-wing alliance from my cousin but the case did not come with any instructions on the keyborad controls. Games' started by joystick, Oct 2, 2004. Apr 04, 2012 First things first, whenever you install this game, make sure to install the Official X-Wing Alliance Version 2.2 Patch, which can be downloaded from here: After you have patched the game to version 2.2, It is a good idea to fix the fonts, because modern operating systems tend to smash all the letters together into incoherent fragments.
I've had the game running fine on basically the same setup.But recently I got a new drive and reinstalled my OS, and now I can't install XWAU for some reason.
I'm running Pop!_OS 20.04, with Lutris 0.5.8.
I have the GOG version 2.0.2-18061.
Used dhollinger's Lutris installer.
The base game itself is installed and runs fine, but the Lutris installer fails installing the mega patch.
I'm seeing this in the output:
If I try to manually run the patch file, it fails with error message: 'The calling thread must be STA because many UI components require this.'
I don't think it's an issue with the patch file itself, I've checked the md5 hash and it's correct.
X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch Release
X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch Download
The only difference I can see between now and when it worked is wine version being updated to 6.0-rc1, while I used 5.7-11 before. But trying older wine versions doesn't help.Any idea what's wrong?
X-wing Alliance Joystick Patch
thank you